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SDL Connect Developer Day - Best Practices for Adapting NMT 2.0 Models Securely
2019Nov 29
With new Adaptable Language Pairs, customers will be able to train their own neural language pairs within the secure ETS environment, then make them available (deploy) them o​n-premise, on cloud (through SDL BeGlobal), or as hybrid. This new capability offers many benefits. Come learn how to use this on-premise NMT LP customization feature - the industry's first and only! Speaker: Arnaud Simon, Director of Solutions Consultancy, SDL Go to to get product help, find best practices and share your knowledge with peers. Want to learn more about SDL? ↪︎SDL: ↪︎Facebook:   / sdlplc   ↪︎LinkedIn:   / sdlplc   ↪︎Twitter:   / sdl  

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