Fiter funtion of GlossaryConverter doesn't filter term level

Dear all.

dear ,

currently, I'm trying to convert a tbx file with GlossaryConverter (vesion 6.4.8912.38944) into a Passolo glossary. But, I want only forbidden terms in that glossary. Therefore, I'm using the filter "German (Germany).Term.Status = "forbidden", which seams to work in general.

Unfortunately, in the glossary are not the terms from term level, which have the status "forbidden", but the entry level "term".

To clarify, what I mean, please have a look a the following excerpt:

"<termEntry id="XYZ">
        <descrip type="subjectField">XYZ</descrip>
        <descrip type="tags">Düker</descrip>
        <descrip type="Textsorte">XYZ</descrip>
        <descrip type="Abteilung">ES</descrip>
        <descrip type="XYZ</descrip>
        <langSet xml:lang="de-DE">
            <descrip type="definition"></descrip>
            <descrip type="definitionSource"></descrip>
            <descrip type="Term Type">fullForm</descrip>
            <descrip type="Status">forbidden</descrip>


As you can see, "Dueker" is set as "forbidden".

But the glossary does not contain "Dueker". Instead, it contains "Düker".

Please be so kind to let me know, how to use the filter to get only "Dueker" in the glossary, not "Düker".

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Thank you very much in advance for your support.

Best regards and have a nice day.

