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The plugin allows users to extract term candidates from the Project, or specific files within a project. The plugin works by adding a file containing the terms to Studio for translation, and then converts the file to a termbase and adds it to the project.
The plugin also provides for some simple refining of the extraction using a very simple and visual interface that makes the process of term extraction incredibly simple, and enjoyable to work with.
If you want to use these terms in your own termbase then this can be easily achieved by using the Glossary Converter, or alternatively you can provide the termbase as a MultiTerm termbase or in another format as a nice value add solution for your customer.
The application is compatible with Studio 2017 and Studio 2019.
NOTE: article needs to updated with reference to this post -
How to use:
* Important: The application flow can also be found within the video: and it's also described within the article:
1. Open a project / Create new one.
2. Select the file(s) on which the project term should run.
3. Right click on the selected file(s) and select the "Extract Project Terms" option.
4. Press on the "Extract Terms From Selected Files" (you can see that below, the terms are displayed within the Project Terms Cloud view.
5. After the terms were extracted, press on the "Include terms file to the project" (this allow you to generate the termbase based on the file)
How to generate Termbase
After the process of including terms is finished, press F5 in Studio to refresh the project, and right click on the new added file -> Select "Generate termbase" option.
*You can check the new termbase from Project Settings-> Language Pairs-> All Language Pairs -> Termbases section
How to generate a new termbase using the same file
If you want to generate again the termbase for the same file, the following steps needs to be performed:
- Go to Project Settings -> Language Pairs -> All Language Pairs -> Termbases and remove the termbase from your project.
- Close Studio.
- Go to your project folder in Windows Explorer and delete the Tb folder.
- Go to C:\Users\{UserName}\AppData\Local\Temp\ and delete the Tb folder.
- Open Studio -> you should be able now to generate the new termbase.