The RWS AppStore > Wiki is no longer being maintained. For the latest updates and changes being published, please visit the official RWS AppStore, where you will find supporting information such as documentation & change log details that is associated to each app.
Alternatively if you are using Trados Studio 2022 SR2, you will find the same information within the Integrated AppStore.
This apps significantly extends Trados Studio to add support for the following common compatibility and migration scenarios:
- Open legacy SDLX/ITD-based TMS and TeamWorks project packages
- Open ITD, TTX and Bilingual Workbench file types created in SDLX, Trados 2007 and Translator's Workbench
- Add the Upgrade Migration Wizard to Trados Studio. This wizard was available out-of-the box with previous Trados Studio versions, but has now moved to this dedicated app in order to declutter the Trados Studio user interface.
This powerful wizard enables the following batch-oriented use cases:- Combine multiple Trados Studio translation memories (TMs) into one
- Upgrade Translator's Workbench and SDLX TMs to Trados Studio translation memory format: .TMW and .MDB format to .SDLTM
- Migrate TMs from TMX to Trados Studio format in batch mode
- Migrate file-based to server-based TMs in SDL Trados GroupShare and vice versa