No segmentation for Line Feed and sentence ending

Hi there,

i have created a project type in Worldserver for translation of xml-files. The text in the xml files contains html-tags therefore i used an embedded content processor to filter the text accordingly.

Used WorldServer:

Used Trados Studio: 2021 SR1 -

Here is an example of an xml element to translate:

Screenshot of XML code with HTML tags for translation, including headers and bold text, with segment breaks indicated by square brackets.

Here is the result in Trados Preview (In WorldServer OnlinEditor or Trados Export it looks the same)

Comparison of XML translation segments highlighting differences in segment breaks, with the right side showing a continuous segment.

After feedback from colleages all the text from a xml element should be in one segment only. The problem i have is that a new segment is created after every line feed or sentence ending as seen in the Trados Preview, i think this is default WorldServer behaviour. I didnt find anything about that in the documentation or here on the forum where i can change this. Do i need to change something in the WorldServer settings for this project or in the file type settings in Trados Studio? If so where?

Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance (file type config or other needed file can be provided)


Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: RWS Community AI at 1:55 PM (GMT 0) on 26 Nov 2024]
  • Hello  ,

    WorldServer segments files according to the filter in use. No default behaviour in WorldServer overrides the filter configuration settings.

    You will achieve the same results in WorldServer as in Studio when applying your file type configuration. Therefore, you should focus on achieving the desired results in Studio first. Create a file type configuration in Studio and test it with your source file. Once you have the desired results, export the file type configuration and, if in use, the Embedded Content Processor from Studio. Then, import them into WorldServer.

    Important: If the file type configuration is associated with an Embedded Content Processor, always import the Embedded Content Processor into WorldServer first, followed by the file type configuration. Once the import into WorldServer is done, apply the file type configuration to your filter group and then assign the filter group to your project type. After everything is set up correctly, test the file in WorldServer by creating a test project. You should obtain the same results as in Trados Studio.

    I hope this helps.


  • thanks for the information/help, i am already testing in Trados Studio before importing in WorldServer.

    The problem i have, is that i dont find any possibility to prevent the segmentation at a line feed or a sentence end. If i remove all inline tags in the embedded content processor it is still creating multiple segments for one element :/

    Do i need to prevent that in the Embedded content processor or in the File Type?



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