This place is where you can suggest, discuss, and vote on ideas. If you want to create an idea for an other related product choose the appropriate group on this page.

When you select to create a new idea, there are a few things you can do to ensure RWS Development and other community participants understand the idea. See here for Idea best practices.

  • Reactivate a completed project in WorldServer

    • Planned for Future Release on
    In TeamWorks it was possible to reactivate a completed project, for example if it was completed by mistake. In WorldServer it is impossible to do so, and the translated SDLXLIFF cannot be integrated in a new project nearly as easily, either. Also, sometimes...
  • Add ability to rename a project once it's already created

    • Planned for Future Release on
    It would be nice if, once a project is already created, it were possible to update the name of the project, in case something changes. A possible change could be adding the words Test or DNU. It may be desirable to leave the project in production for...
  • Adding a chat box in WS

    • In Progress on
    Would be very handy to enable users to communicate between themselves. Could be a translator contacting the project manager or the project creator to submit some queries about the translation. Some competitors already offer this type of useful functionality...
  • Proper search function

    • Planned for Future Release on
    The filter functionality offers the possibility to launch searches on projects. However, searching with the filter functionality is time-consuming, not really intuitive nor user-friendly. Moreover, once you are ready with your search, your need to reset...
  • Add Step as column in Project view WS

    • Planned for Future Release on
    • 1 Comment
    Please add Step as an available column in the Assignments > Project view, under Choose columns. Right now, to see the status of each language I have to open the task or open the Tree view and expand each language which is a lot of clicks.
  • Ability to use variables in subject of notification mails

    • Planned for Future Release on
    • 1 Comment
    Under Management > Administration > Notification Content a number of variables ('Parameters') are available to be used in the body text of the email (header, task summary and footer). Unfortunately, the subject of the notification mails is always the...
  • View projects assigned to a specific user

    • In Progress on
    In the project list, it is currently possible to view "projects assigned to me". For a project manager however, it would also be very useful to be able to select "projects assigned to <user>" (where you can indicate the user). Or maybe even "projects...
  • The majority of project attributes types are not displayed in the "Filter by" field and cannot be searched in the new UI

    • Planned for Future Release on
  • Restore "(View one page at a time)" feature in WorldServer 11 and newer

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    In version 10 of WorldServer, the "(View one page at a time)" option enabled you to see all projects and all tasks in one page. This is particularly useful in accounts where it is standard to have projects with hundreds of files, as it is not practical...
  • Possibility for project managers to change the description field after project creation

    • Planned for Future Release on
    • 1 Comment
    Although we trained our customers how to create jobs in WorldServer and we mentioned that in the "description" field right at the beginning they should only enter necessary information for the project managers or translators, we still receive texts like...