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SDL Trados 2007 used to have a feature that stamped the name of the file you were translating on the Translation Unit in your Translation Memory. This feature was not implemented in any of the Studio versions to date. So this plugin for SDL Trados Studio 2015 brings this back and adds some interesting options. You can decide whether you want to stamp your Translation Units with:
- The filename you are working on
- The filename plus it’s full path
- The Project name
You can add any of these, or all of them, so they are automatically recording what you worked on when you translated your projects.
This gives you the ability to filter on these for translating work in the future and for carrying out batch editing tasks to remove unwanted translations from your translation memory, or export an extract to provide to a colleague or a client.
The plugin works as a Translation Memory provider, so you just choose RecordSourceTU when you add a Translation Memory to your project. You’ll be asked to select whether you want a new field created, or if you wish to append this information to an existing one, and you’re good to go.
As always it’s a good idea to back up your Translation Memories before you start so if you decide you don’t like to work this way it’s easy to go back.
If you want to learn more about working with fields in Studio then this article might be worth a read :
Once installed, you can now start using Record Source TU by selecting it as a translation memory provider when you translate a new document or in the project settings.
Warning: The application will not record any information if there is no change made to an existing TU.