Get list of Assigned Projects for user


I am trying to help develop some tools for WorldServer and have run into an issue with getting simply a list of all the projects that are assigned to a specific user.

The listing that comes from https://<server>/ws-api/v2/projects?token=XXXXXX is always too extensive. When I make a call to https://<server>/ws-api/v2/users/me/statistics?token=XXXXXXX I get the correct number of assigned projects in the 'Assigned' category but no information about those projects.

Ideally I would be able to just have a list of Ids and Names of assigned projects.

The only way that I can currently think of to do this with the API is to call a full list of projects and their information about workgroup, locale and task workflow steps (e.g. https://<server>/ws-api/v2/projects?token=XXXXXX&fields=id,name,tasks(currentTaskStep(name,type)),targetLocale(id),workgroup(id)) and then cross referencing that programmatically with the User information.

As there is an easy way to list assigned projects in WorldServer itself I was hoping there is a more efficient way to do this in the API. 

Any help/suggestions would be great.

