This place is where you can suggest, discuss, and vote on ideas. If you want to create an idea for an other related product choose the appropriate group on this page.

When you select to create a new idea, there are a few things you can do to ensure RWS Development and other community participants understand the idea. See here for Idea best practices.

  • [Online Editor] Merge function of sentenses split by line breaks

    • Under Community Review on
    Trados Live Team has the ability to merge sentense, but this is not effective for sentense that have been split by line breaks. In many of the files to be translated, the author may have inserted line breaks for layout purposes at places where they...
  • Enable individual file/task assignments in the Preparation stage

    • Planned for Future Release on
    When you create a project with various files in Trados Team or Trados Enterprise, once you get to the Preparation/ Project Planning step, you can only assign all files of one target language to one user or user group. You cannot take 10 files and assign...
  • Add function to Trados Live Team: add another language to an existing project

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Currently it is not possible to add another language to an existing project. The only - and quite time-consuming - ,,workaround" is to create a new project with the additional needed languages. It would be really helpful to integrate this function in...
  • Add the option to create Bilingual Review files, similar to the Batch Task in Trados Studio

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    My team needs the ability to create bilingual review files such as those that can be created through batch tasks in Trados Studio. This is because our translators may sometimes not have good internet connections.
  • A real PM role in projects

    • Under Community Review on
    Projects are managed by PMs and now it is not a way to sort by PM or own the Project. PM should have the rights to review the project online, create packages, upload and download files, very right without assigning the task to that person. Like a super...
  • Filter Projects by Project Manager

    • Under Community Review on
    Is it possible to add a new criterion when filtering Projects? This could be by Project Manager. Since we create a lot of Projects in the system, having this filter per Project Manager would be useful for the PMs to monitor their projects specifically...
  • Import multiple files into our TMs in bulk

    • Under Community Review on
    Idea Details: At the moment, we can only upload valid files into our TMs one at a time. Therefore, if we have multiple files, we a) either have to upload them separately one at a time, or b) we have to merge them into a single SDLTM on Studio first...
  • A function to set the number of segments to be read ahead by the Online Editor

    • Under Community Review on
    Reviewers often jump to areas with errors or comments to check. If the number of preloads is fixed around 100 segments as it is now, the read process will be entered each time and review will not be smooth. It depends on the performance of the PC and...
  • More sortable columns in Projects area

    • Under Community Review on
    In the Projects area, only Name, Due, Created, and Last Modified are sortable (A-Z; or Z-A). The sorting option in other columns is greyed out, and unavailable. I'd like to be able to sort projects by Languages, Created by, and Status.
  • Simultaneous work with one document within Trados Team

    • Planned for Future Release on
    A prospect of ours considering purchasing Trados Team hopes that multiple linguists simultaneously edit a single large file using TT’s Online Editor but we know that is impossible for now. However, that need should be very common among TT customers/potential...