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  • Terms should be recognized based on grammar rather than pure similarity

    • Under Community Review on
    I often have the problem that, when e.g. translating from Italian or any other inflecting language, that plural or other inflected forms of nouns, verbs etc. are not being found. Example: The word "finestra" will be found but the plural form "finestre...
  • Colour coding for term statuses

    • In Progress on
    I think it would be nice to be able to apply different colours for different term statuses in MultiTerm, eg green for Approved , red for Forbidden , etc. Also to have these colours showing in the Term Recognition window in Studio. Just as a quick additional...
  • Add terms to specific termbases (with keyboard shortcuts) in Trados Studio

    • Under Community Review on
    I think it's high time it was made possible to add terms to specific termbases (with keyboard shortcuts) , on the fly. Many other CAT tools currently support this, and I would love to see this functionality added to the latest version of Trados Studio...
  • Multiterm Extract should be able to process sdlxliff and sdltm files

    • Under Community Review on
    Hello! We use Multiterm Extract quite often and most of the time we have to export sdlxliff and sdltm files to other formats to be able to process them, so it would be great if we could save that step and just add those files directly to our Extract...
  • Change to duplicate entries warning to work better with concept-oriented glossaries

    • Under Community Review on
    The duplicate entries warning in MultiTerm is a bit hassle-some if you are building a concept-oriented TB, because you are bound to have multiple entries with the same term in one language. (An example SDL likes to use is "monitor".) If your TB contains...
  • Copy termbase (structure with/without content)

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    I'd like to copy whole termbases (including termbase objects, roles and users) with or without the content
  • More layout options

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    I'd like to see layout definitions where you can define term formatting based on depending fields, e.g. terms with the status forbidded could be marked as red or strikethrough. This layout should also be visible in the term recognition windows in Stu...
  • To be able to upload TB (xml or sdltb) to GS via web interface

    • Under Community Review on
    Hello, it would be great to get the same behavior we know from uploading TMs to uploading TBs. Now if I upload a TB into GS, I need to use SDL MT Desktop - this process is very timeconsuming (even 4 hours for 22K entries) and cannot be interrupted....
  • Shared folder support for MultiTerm termbases

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Please add support of simultaneous work with a termbase stored in shared folder for small user group. Consistent terminology is one of vital tasks event for small translation department. According to kb 000004185 it’s not supported. The implementation...
  • Visualization of terminological information until three level

    • Under Community Review on
    I had posted this idea while giving my feedback for the beta version of MultiTerm 2017. I hope, this is here the right place: I would like to have the possibility to visualize the terminological information until three level, i.e. language level, term...