We have upgraded GroupShare to 2017 SR1 and are using the newest SDL Studio 2017 client.
The following code does not work: Credentials are correct, I am using sa user. I can get the ResourceGroups and Resources, but not the TMs.
TranslationProviderServer transProvider = new TranslationProviderServer(new Uri(Host), false, this.Credentials.UserName, this.Credentials.Password);
// it takes ages and nothing happens. The same code when connecting to GroupShare 2014 works as expected.
I also tried to get the TMs using a query: But I get an empty Array
TranslationMemoryQuery query = new TranslationMemoryQuery();
query.Properties = TranslationMemoryProperties.None;
query.IsMain = true;
query.IncludeChildResourceGroups = true;
var partTMs = transProvider.GetTranslationMemoriesByQuery(query).TranslationMemories;
Thanks for your help.