Trouble with AbstractNativeFileWriter in Native FileType Plugin – SegmentEnd vs. ParagraphUnitEnd != Line end

I am developing a custom FileType plugin for certain text files.

Although I've stumbled several times, I made it pretty far. Files are properly recognized and parsed, all great. My trouble now is with generating the target files.

To be precise: The problem arises with lines that span several segments in Studio. They should be written in one line.

I have tried to accomplish this by replacing the override SegmentEnd() method in the sample with ParagraphUnitEnd():

public override void ParagraphUnitEnd()

This does indeed write the paragraphs as one line. Unfortunately it also adds a hard return after each structure tag, which is not intended.


So to recap, my problem. Intended outcome:

key1=value1, bla yadda. More yadda.
key2=value2, foo. Bar...


Outcome using override SegmentEnd():

key1=value1, bla yadda.
More yadda.
key2=value2, foo.


Outcome using override ParagraphUnitEnd():

value1, bla yadda. More yadda.
value2, foo. Bar...


How can I achieve my intended output?
