Adding new files to existing GS project through Studio Desktop API


according to, you can add a new project file to a server project simply by checking it it. I tried it this way:

_sdlProject = new FileBasedProject(sdlProjectPath, gsUseWindowsAuthentication, gsUser, gsPassword);
var tmp = _sdlProject.AddFiles(new[] {"d:\\temp2.txt"})[0];
_sdlProject.SetFileRole(new [] {tmp.Id}, FileRole.Translatable);
var at = _sdlProject.RunAutomaticTask(new[] {tmp.Id}, AutomaticTaskTemplateIds.Scan);

_sdlProject.CheckinFiles(new [] {tmp.Id}, "Temp", (sender, args) =>


However, CheckinFiles() returns immediately, and control never gets into the progress event handler. Indeed, the file does not get checked it. Am I missing something maybe? 

