We are having an issue with the MultiTerm v8/v9 COM automation API
We are using your multiterm dll: (C:\Program Files (x86)\SDL\SDL MultiTerm\MultiTerm8\Sdl.MultiTerm.Interop.MTTMO2.dll) from a .NET application.
The COM object gets created correctly and the functions appear to work but we cannot list the available termbases (count is always 0).
We cannot use the Add and the New functions either (our actual intentions, we are writing an import tool)
These function return errors.
Can you please instruct us what we are doing wrong.
This was the reply from the MultiTerm architect:
termbases.Add("e:\\t3.sdltb", "t3", "t3");
Sdl.MultiTerm.Interop.MTTMO2.Termbase tbNew = termbases["t3"];
needs to be
termbases.Add("e:\\t3.sdltb", "t3", "t3");
Sdl.MultiTerm.Interop.MTTMO2.Termbase tbNew = termbases["e:\\t3.sdltb"];
termbases.Add("e:\\t3.sdltb", "t3", "t3");
Sdl.MultiTerm.Interop.MTTMO2.Termbase tbNew = termbases[0];
Local termbases have to be index by full path. This is necessary since
the name is not unique. Nothing stops you from adding 3 termbases
in 3 locations and calling all of them "test" .
Item property
MultiTermIX.Termbases.Item — Provides programmatic access to a specific termbase.
Index Parameters
- Index (Variant)
This property allows you to gain access to a particular termbase from the repository.
We have tested your proposal but unfortunately, this does not solve the issue.
I think some other problem is occuring.
I have done some additional extensive testing in C#, VBA and VB.NET but I cannot get the COM automation object to work
I'll clarify a bit what we encounter below and I you'll find some screenshots below.
I can also send you the test applications and Excel .xlsm files which might be easier for you to identify what we are doing wrong.
Info / Observations
1. The tests were performed on a windows 7 with both SDL Desktop 2009 & 2011 installed together with the SDKs
The tests were also performed on a development machine with only SDL Desktop 2009. Some tests were also performed on production machines (no SDK)
2. Not only does the Termbases.Add and Termbases.New fail, the Termbases.Count always returns 0
1. Do we need to specify TermbaseRepository.Connect("","") or Connect("local","local") or are the parameters irrelevant for LocalRepository
2. Any idea why the Count is always 0 ? Do we have to set the current working directory to a certain path? How does the DLL find the termbases repository?
3. Is it necesarry / relevant that SDL MultiTerm Desktop is launched?
4. Is it necesarry/prohibited that the termbases are opened in SDL MultiTerm Desktop (= visible in termbases list?)
5. Can you examine / test my Excel.VBA ? Does this work for you? Any idea why I get the errorcode in screenshot 1?
6. Can you examine / test my C# and VB.NET code ? Does this work for you? Any idea why I get the errorcode in screenshot 2 & 3?
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