SDL 2015 API :License check failed, with exception: Sdl.Core.PluginFramework.PluginFrameworkException: No Application specific plug-in directory found.

Hello everyone,

I’m actually developing a stand-alone program using the SDL Studio API, in order to create a Trados project via a personal interface.

The problem is, at the moment I call the constructor of the FileBasedProject class, a LicensingException occurs.

  1. I have a professional SDL Trados license key ,I’m using SDL Trados Studio with it.

  2. I have no problem creating project in SDL Trados Studio.

  3. I've installed the SDL Trados Studio 2015 SDK


I know it's a problem that have already been discussed here, but none of the answers actually worked for me.

Here the following exception detail :

Sdl.ProjectAutomation.FileBased.LicensingException was unhandled by user code
 Message=License check failed, with exception: Sdl.Core.PluginFramework.PluginFrameworkException: No Application specific plug-in directory found.
  at Sdl.Core.PluginFramework.DefaultPluginLocator..ctor()
  at Sdl.Core.PluginFramework.PluginManager.get_DefaultPluginRegistry()
  at Sdl.Common.Licensing.Provider.Core.LicensingProviderManager.get_LicensingProviderFactories()
  at Sdl.Common.Licensing.Provider.Core.LicensingProviderManager.CreateProvider(ILicensingProviderConfiguration config, String preferredProviderId)
  at Sdl.Common.Licensing.Manager.ApplicationLicenseManager.GetCurrentLicensingProvider()
  at Sdl.Common.Licensing.Manager.ApplicationLicenseManager.GetProduct()
  at Sdl.Common.Licensing.Manager.ApplicationLicenseManager.GetLicenseWithoutConsumingSeatsOrUsages()
  at Sdl.ProjectAutomation.FileBased.FileBasedProject.CheckLicense()


And here the method I use to create the project :

public static void createBasedOnTemplate(StudioProjectInfo info)

            ProjectInfo pInfo = new ProjectInfo();

            pInfo.Name = info.Name;
            pInfo.Description = info.Description;
            pInfo.LocalProjectFolder = info.LocalProjectFolder;

            ProjectTemplateReference refTemplate = info.TemplateRef;
            FileBasedProject proj = new FileBasedProject(pInfo, refTemplate);


If anyone has an idea about my problem, I would be glad to read it.


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