Cannot update project attribute via the REST API

Dear Community members,

I am encountering the following issue when try to update a project attribute using the REST API. I am using the end point "/attributeValues" and a most method.

I am passing the following body which - to me at least - seems correctly formatted and correspond to the example provided in the REST API documentation:



"value": true,

"attribute": {

"id": 1178,

"name": "EPO_Project_Formatted",

"displayName": "Formatted",

"resourceType": "PROJECT",

"type": "BOOLEAN"


"resource": { "id": 2094 }




After the Post is sent, I receive a response saying that method ran to completion but returned the following error:


"errors": [


"code": 500,

"type": "SERVER",

"message": "java.lang.NullPointerException"





When I check in the system log of the application, I can see that the following messages:

[2017-02-21 19:03:15,347] INFO http-apr-443-exec-8 Checking permission for PermissionKey[resourceType=ATTRIBUTE_VALUE,permissionType=WRITE,auxPermission=CHANGE_PROJECT_ATTRIBUTES] [CHANGE_PROJECT_ATTRIBUTES]
[2017-02-21 19:03:15,353] INFO http-apr-443-exec-8 Checking permission for PermissionKey[resourceType=<null>,permissionType=NONE,auxPermission=<null>] []
[2017-02-21 19:03:15,359] INFO http-apr-443-exec-8 Checking permission for PermissionKey[resourceType=<null>,permissionType=NONE,auxPermission=<null>] []
[2017-02-21 19:03:15,392] ERROR http-apr-443-exec-8 Exception intercepted:

Any idea why this is not working? Why is the resourceType "null" in the checking

Thanks in advance for your support.

