How can I generate a new, unique GUID with ISHRemote? I see that PowerShell has a New-Guid command. Will that do the trick?
How can I generate a new, unique GUID with ISHRemote? I see that PowerShell has a New-Guid command. Will that do the trick?
Hi Dave
New GUID, as in a new logical identifier when executing Add-IshDocumentObj. This can be done by simply not using optional parameter -LogicalId and ISHRemote will generate the GUID for you.
The first sample in the help is about that: Get-Help Add-IshDocumentObj -Full
Thanks Dave. I've used Add-IshDocumentObj, but I need a quantity of GUIDs. I'm working on a project to duplicate entire topics and wish to replace GUIDs within the source documents.
Thanks Dave. I've used Add-IshDocumentObj, but I need a quantity of GUIDs. I'm working on a project to duplicate entire topics and wish to replace GUIDs within the source documents.
So in essence you are doing file manipulation which technically is not related to ISHRemote... New-Guid cmdlet from Microsoft as described on could generate new GUIDs for you. The implementation details of this cmdlet are probably described on