Project Server: Creating a customized website with resource monitoring



the Project Server (PS) comes with neat dashboards, but it does not yet provide "business intelligence" in the sense that you can see at a glance how much work is assigned to a user e.g.

Given that a lot more information is stored in the database than we actually see in the PS dashboards, do you think it is possible to develop a customized website which will query the PS database and show things like:

- number of words currently assigned to a specific user in a given phase? (translation)

- number of words currently assigned per user and filtered by the current status of the project?

- if you introduce further metadata for each project, like "project urgency" with values that are filled during project creation, would it be possible programmatically to fetch and display all projects that have the same urgency? User story would be: I need to filter my projects list for all Urgent projects currently in Translation phase.

- these new reporting options, if displayed on a web page similar to the current dashboards, would have to be subject to a permission as well, so that they could be enabled per user or permission role


Thanks for your input on the API possibilities in this regard.