This place is where you can suggest, discuss, and vote on ideas. If you want to create an idea for an other related product choose the appropriate group on this page.

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  • The print dialog tab control should be arranged in 2 levels so that all control tabs can be seen in one dialog box.

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    • 1 Comment
    The existing control tabs are arranged in one row, user has to roll back and forth on setting the options of Command and Print.
  • H&J table needs to restored at the end of a tag

    • Under Community Review on
    Currently the XPP system restores the hyphenation language setting at the end of a tag, but not the h&j table. As the h&j table contains settings about min/max characters in the hyphenated word and these settings vary according to the language you are...
  • Option to display insert trace of endline space

    • Under Community Review on
    Recently, when a space insertion is located in the endline, there is no trace and bar displayed in Xyview. I would suggest to add an option in JT/DT to choose to display it or not to display it for different purpose.
  • JavaScript as replacement for the macro language

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Yes we currently do have Perl as the default replacement for the XPP macro language when we are using CSS (and that is nice and works fine). But the natural companion to CSS is JavaScript and not Perl. So it makes a lot more sense to build the future...
  • Ability to suppress computer generated text in either Line Editor or Text mode

    • Under Community Review on
    There are times when a lot of text is being captured and it makes life very difficult for the operator (or Style Developer, debugging specs) when there is so much comp.gen. text in amongst tags, macros and 'real' data. Sometimes its very useful to have...
  • Ability to define priority for vertical and horizontal tabular rules in XPP

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Note: RFE has been submitted to SDL (CRQ #7903 for anyone else that would like to contribute their support) The RFE asked for the ability to set priority on both vertical and horizontal rules. The functionality requested is the ability to: set...
  • Ability to call custom macro at start and end of an underline

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    By marking the beginning and end of a section of text (perhaps covering several lines) and being able to define custom macro(s) to enable users to draw custom underlines. Ideally, the x/y co-ordinates of start and end underlines should be accessible...
  • Logging master for XPP queues

    • Under Community Review on
    Hello, A scenario popped up this morning where a developer enqueued something fort processing on the XPP server. Something wasn't right about the task and the user deleted/killed the task from the conshell. While this cleared the error, the detail...
  • Implement a resource file for PathFinder

    • Under Community Review on
    To be able to control appearance, position and any other configurable features of PathFinder via a resource file (aka XYwyg or .ini) Perhaps the 'configurable features' should be a separate idea post? At a minimum, such a file should enable the size...
  • PathFinder left/right panel sorting

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    Currently its possible to sort the right panel by Date, ascending/descending. This is OK. However, the PathFinder doesn't appear to keep that sorting. Selecting a different item requires the sorting to be reapplied. Returning to a previously sorted...