Under Community Review

Add an upcoming tasks tab in the inbox

I suggest to add an upcoming tasks tab next to New, Active, Completed. It would be a game changer from a planning perspective.

For example, reviewers could actually see what's coming their way and get invaluable info.

Upcoming review tasks could include:

Translation task due date:

Translation task assigned to:

Word count:

Final due date: 

  • I fully support the idea of having a clear view of the upcoming tasks to have more visibility on the pending workload. This would definitely help us a lot too! This could take different forms, maybe a new tab, or simply having those upcoming tasks in the New and Active Inboxes showed as grayed-out, for example, to distinguish them easily from ongoing tasks.

  • I fully support the idea of having a clear view of the upcoming tasks to have more visibility on the pending workload. This would definitely help us a lot too! This could take different forms, maybe a new tab, or simply having those upcoming tasks in the New and Active Inboxes showed as grayed-out, for example, to distinguish them easily from ongoing tasks.

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