Under Community Review

Reversing language directions for server TMs

Users quite often work with AnyTM for file based resources but when they migrate to GroupShare the feature is unsupported as result the functionality of the translation system is decreased from translator's point of view.

  • Hi Adrian,

    I'm glad to hear that the enchantment is already registered. I know how the file based tm works :) The server reversed or temporary TM  could be created "on demand" for example user marks TM for reverse and if it contains  more than 100k TUs  the task  will be send to GroupShare background tasks as for amount of disk space or quantity of  TMs the some kind of life time could be set managed by user.



  • Hi Adrian,

    I'm glad to hear that the enchantment is already registered. I know how the file based tm works :) The server reversed or temporary TM  could be created "on demand" for example user marks TM for reverse and if it contains  more than 100k TUs  the task  will be send to GroupShare background tasks as for amount of disk space or quantity of  TMs the some kind of life time could be set managed by user.



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