Under Community Review

Export for Bilingual Review: Optionally create just 1 Word file for all selected files

It would be soooo useful!

Just had to open, format, check, save and close 3 dozen files with between 50 and 100 words. What should have taken 5 minutes max took me almost half an hour.

  • Hi 

    Is that what the client wants you to deliver? If so, it would be preferable that they deliver the content as one individual file in the first place. 

    Or does your proofreader require it? In which case perhaps you then have to produce the multiple target files in the original format for the end customer?


    Ali Slight smile

  • Hi  

    I often do the 'virtual merge' to translate, especially when dealing with many small files. What I'm missing is the option to also export them all together into 1 file (as opposed to into 1 file each as it is now).

  • Hi Angela,

    If you highlight all the translatable files in the Files View, you can open them altogether as if they were one file (called 'virtual merge'). Then you can work on them and any identical segments will be auto-propagated (as defined under your autopropagation settings under File>Options). You can then 'Export for Bilingual Review' in one step. Also, you can use File>Save Target As to produce all your target files.

    Hope this helps...

    All the best,

    Ali Smiley