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  • Restore SDLXLIFF converter functionality in Studio 2024!

    • New on
    By ending SDLXLIFF Converter for Studio 2024 you have removed key functionality, i.e. the ability filter the segments that are exported. Restore this functionality! Give the users that same controls over what is exported!
  • Warning in QA Checker if a segment is different/not present in the TM

    • Under Community Review on
    In my company, we translate a lot of similar documents at the same time, meaning that mistakes can slip into other documents before they are corrected in the documents they originally occurred in. It is difficult to prevent this from happening; the “Always...
  • Customize segment's padding/spacing in the edit window

    • Under Community Review on
    I find the segment layout of the edit window a bit confusing. I understand that saving screen space is crucial in an app with such a complex interface, but I would find really useful a way to add some padding to the segment fields in order to customize...
  • Enable automatic replacements in Find and Replace window

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    In Trados Studio Editor, users profit from AutoCorrect options (defined under File > Options > Editor > AutoCorrect). For example, straight apostrophes and straight quotes are automatically converted to language-specific ones. It would be very useful...
  • Not frendly UI of language selecting in 2019

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi there, The studio version before 2019 of project Wizard is frendly and easy to use. But in 2019 the language you need to use is always need you to spell the whole language out not just the few first character of them. And after that, there is character...
  • Support of different termbase servers in one project

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Hi, Unfortunately, now it's impossible to add two (and more) server-based termbases from two (and more) different servers. When you try to do it, you get this message: "The termbase server has been changed so all the old server-based termbases will...
  • Make ‘Quick Add New Term’ completely skip showing and giving focus to Termbase Viewer?

    • Under Community Review on
    This is something that has been bothering me for a very long time, and so much so that I recently even stopped using Studio's built in termbases altogether, both the regular ones and the Language Cloud one. I am currently (quite happily) using the amazing...
  • Deselect multiple languages at once during project creation in 2019

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    We work on projects with templates set for a large number of languages as default. These cannot be edited as they are linked to the client system and used by the client to create their own projects. We also cannot currently recreate them with fewer languages...
  • Make Import Files box Drag & Drop

    • Under Community Review on
    I regularly have to import TMX files to existing TMs. And I have them ready to drop them into the Import wizard but it doesn't let me because Drag and Drop is not enabled there. Very annoying indeed in this day and age. Actually, make all boxes where...
  • I want to have a synonyms function

    • Under Community Review on
    When translating sometimes I need to change a term in a synonym. In MS-Word you get this with two clicks. In Trados/SDL I haven´t found a function like this.