Idea Delivered

Add the contents of the "Comments" field in translation objects, to the translation statistics report.

When we generate translation objects, we use the Comments field to log which publication is going to translation. If objects in a new translation project are already in a translation workflow, we can then determine which existing translation project the object is associated with. By adding the Comments filed to the translation statistics report, we could see all of this information at a glance rather than having to examine each object individually. 

  • Can anyone answer my question about how to add the Comments field to the Web UI and Pub Mgr Inbox? Is it even possible? I see an InboxDisplay.xml file in the same folder as these other files. Is that where I can add the Comments field information?

  • Can the comments field be added to the Web UI and Publication Manager Inbox view?

  • Thanks - all working great now! To summarize for anyone else who wants to do this:

    Navigate to  the <drive-letter>:\Infoshare\Web<project-suffix>\Author\ASP\XSL folder on your application server, then:

    - For the Translation Report please add the field to the TranslationReportConfig.xml file

    - For the Publication Report please add the field to the BaselineReportFields.xml file

    - For the downloaded CSV of the report, add the field to ReportDownload.xml file

    The field name is 'FCOMMENTS' and the field level (if needed) is 'lng', so you should use a construction like '<ishfield name="FCOMMENTS" level="lng" />'

  • Hi Elizabeth,

    The fields available in the csv file are controlled by a third configuration file 'ReportDownload.xml'. This field is located in the same location as the TranslationReportConfig.xml and BaselineReportFields.xml file.

    So please extent the list of properties in the ReportDownload.xml structure as well and the values should become available in the csv file as well.

    Kind Regards,


  • - thanks - I can see it in the web display of the Publication Report now, but when I download the report, it's not included. Is there a way to change the fields that are included in the downloaded report as well?