Under Community Review

Improve Change Tracking (Change Markup) in SDL Tridion Docs

The user group created a "task force" to revisit improving change tracking for SME reviewers. We defined which changes we would like to see marked up, and how we would like them to be formatted. I am attachingChange Tracking Requirements_June29meeting.xlsx the meeting notes for our meeting with SDL from July. We would like SDL to improve the way change tracking in handled in the product (potentially with a 3rd party tool like Delta XML and PS engagement... ). The current OOTB mark-up has been a sort spot for users for quite a while.

  • and all, improved visibility on changes is certainly on the roadmap. It is part of the general story around truly scalable, SME-friendly reviewing and contributions. There will be a webinar in June or early July (recorded of course for those who can't make it) that will cover this whole area. It will naturally be an iterative thing but even the first iteration will be a big step towards more complete coverage of these use cases.

    One other thing to point out -- as of Tridion Docs 13 SP1, the new publishing pipeline makes it easier to integrate a tool like DeltaXML for more sophisticated change tracking across entire publication versions. Understood that that does not in itself eliminate the need to create those object versions in the first place, but it certainly gives a useful, controllable change-tracked PDF.

  • and all, improved visibility on changes is certainly on the roadmap. It is part of the general story around truly scalable, SME-friendly reviewing and contributions. There will be a webinar in June or early July (recorded of course for those who can't make it) that will cover this whole area. It will naturally be an iterative thing but even the first iteration will be a big step towards more complete coverage of these use cases.

    One other thing to point out -- as of Tridion Docs 13 SP1, the new publishing pipeline makes it easier to integrate a tool like DeltaXML for more sophisticated change tracking across entire publication versions. Understood that that does not in itself eliminate the need to create those object versions in the first place, but it certainly gives a useful, controllable change-tracked PDF.

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