Be able to select next group or user in the finish activity UI for workflow: Status History

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  • Idea Delivered Partially

    We allowed selecting user or Group when next Activity is a manual activity

    At this time we are not considering implementing functionality when the next activity is an automated one

  • Under Community Review

    This is an interesting request and raises a lot of questions.

    In the case a workflow would have multiple automatic activities after each other, would you expect that the system would just iterate all next activities until a manual activity is found and use that as input for determining the list of users to select from?

    In the case a workflow would have an automatic decision activity, we would expect the user will not be presented with the option to select the next user or group because there is no way to know what flow will be followed upfront and therefore no way to determine which manual activity will be next in the workflow. Would you agree?

    When an automatic activity is being processed, it will be finished and the next activity is started when the automatic activity calls FinishActivity. This is the same API call that allows to pass in the assignee for the next activity. It is therefore up to the implementation to make sure to pass the value for the next assignee that was selected by the user in the UI to this API. Some implementation might not want this functionality, do you expect that exposing the selection of the next assignee would be configurable per activity, per system, or even turned off completely even if the next activity is a manual one?

  • Under Community Review

    This is an interesting request and raises a lot of questions.

    In the case a workflow would have multiple automatic activities after each other, would you expect that the system would just iterate all next activities until a manual activity is found and use that as input for determining the list of users to select from?

    In the case a workflow would have an automatic decision activity, we would expect the user will not be presented with the option to select the next user or group because there is no way to know what flow will be followed upfront and therefore no way to determine which manual activity will be next in the workflow. Would you agree?

    When an automatic activity is being processed, it will be finished and the next activity is started when the automatic activity calls FinishActivity. This is the same API call that allows to pass in the assignee for the next activity. It is therefore up to the implementation to make sure to pass the value for the next assignee that was selected by the user in the UI to this API. Some implementation might not want this functionality, do you expect that exposing the selection of the next assignee would be configurable per activity, per system, or even turned off completely even if the next activity is a manual one?

  • New

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