Under Community Review

Enable override of ALT attribute in WYSIWYG fields

ALT attribute is currently entered via the description field when adding the image as a component.  However, for accessibility, the ALT should be contextual.

On one page, the image may be communicating one thing, but on another page, it might be used to communicate something else, or be a decorative image.  This is especially true if the image is a link.

Rather than duplicate the same resource (image) just to have different ALT text, it would be far more efficient and better for accessibility to enable a default ALT text but then be able to override it when inserting the image into the page via the WYSIWYG field (or even in another area).

  • Does the WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) editor refer to the Tridion Sites rich text format (RTF) area?

    Tridion Sites currently has the ability to set an alt text on the linked item in the RTF area as well as the ability to configure a field to provide alternative text in the selection fo the image.

    Is this something you could revisit with your development team in the template logic?

  • When we insert an image in the WYSIWYG field and override the ALT in the source, it still renders with whatever the description/ALT is in the component.  In other words, the ALT WYSWYG is overridden or ignored.

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