This is the third in the series of updates detailing specific functionality recently released. Today’s update is focused on how we've been working on the user experience for the different user roles in SDL Language Cloud. User experience is central to everything that we develop in the product and, with so many different user roles, a "one size fits all" approach would not deliver the right environment for everyone. Our goal is to provide an interface that is quick to learn, easy to adopt, and evolves according to the specific needs of all users. In this post, we will cover Product Announcements and Batch Actions. We'll also talk about the new user interface language support available in SDL Language Cloud.
Product Announcements
Product Announcements is a new UI feature that allows us to keep customers fully informed of updates to SDL Language Cloud. Product Announcements are created by us and delivered through the platform. When a new announcement is made, users will receive a notification the next time they log in to their account. Even if you've already read and dismissed an announcement, it is still available through the user interface. When a new announcement is made, users see a message when they next log in to SDL Language Cloud. Here's a recent example:
Once you have seen and closed the message, it is still possible to read it again using the notification menu on the top bar:
Each notification has a set lifespan so if you don't log in to SDL Language Cloud for some time, it's possible that you miss some of these notifications.
Batch Actions
Users of the Customer Portal now have the opportunity to perform actions against a collection of projects, rather than repeating the same actions against each project individually. Batch Actions can be applied to project approval, deletion, download and completion. The available actions will change dynamically as you select or de-select projects; the actions are dependent on the current status of the selected projects. For example, a user with two projects which can be downloaded may see this in the top left of the portal:
If these projects were available to approve, complete or delete then the other buttons would also become active.
UI Languages
We continue to review the user interface languages that we support for SDL Language Cloud to ensure that we meet the evolving requirements of our customers. SDL Language Cloud is now available in French (Canadian). To switch the user interface of SDL Language Cloud, users can use the language icon on the top bar:
We hope you found this post informative so look out for regular additional posts on SDL Language Cloud – Translation Management going forward.
David Pooley
Senior Product Manager, SDL Language Cloud