Trados Enterprise - 22.12.1 Release

Trados Enterprise - 22.12.1 Release

We have just released the latest update to Trados Enterprise translation management capabilities, and we would like to share the new functionality that has been delivered. 

New features and updates are automatically added to your account so just login to Trados Enterprise and they will be available immediately. 

Bilingual Engineering task 

We have introduced a new task called Bilingual Engineering in the following default Workflows: 

  • Translation 
  • Translation & Review 
  • Translation & Customer Review 
  • Translation & Customer Review & DTP 

This task is placed after Translation Memory Matching and Machine Translation, but before Analysis. 
This enables Project Managers or Engineers to manipulate the bilingual files before they are analyzed or translated, such as locking segments. 
The task is excluded by default, but can be enabled as part of the workflow or during a project.   

Note: Vendor assignment is not available for this task.
Note: As this task has the same functionality as Translation we have not introduced a new task type for Custom Workflow tasks. Users can simply add a Translation task and rename it to replicate similar functionality in other places in the workflow.

Ability to select multiple values when filtering by status in Customer Portal 

In Customer Portal, users can now select multiple values when filtering by status from the All Projects page. 

Automation Solution (aka Hot folder monitoring) enhancements 

  • COTI Level2 support was added as a selectable strategy (only available for (s)ftp(s)) 
  • Introduced the option to deliver translations per file when the file is ready, not only when the project is finished (applicable for S3, git repositories and the (s)ftp(s)) 
  • Added support for file batching to increase performance (for large number of files per project) of the interaction between Projects and the Automation 

Third-party Add-on development 

  • Third-party developers and partners can now build and publish add-ons  
  • Currently supported extension points: machine translation providers, workflow tasks and previews 
  • The first third-party machine translation provider has now been published: SYSTRAN MT 
  • For more details you can check the Extending Language Cloud products section on this page: 
  • For help in getting started, please reach out to your Trados contact 

Additional changes 

  • Improved download when downloading hundreds of files 
  • Various bug fixes and UX enhancements. 

We hope this post was informative and we look forward to continuing to provide you with updates to the product. 

As this will be the last update for 2022, we wish everyone happy holidays and a happy new year. We are excited to share further enhancements with you next year and look forward to your continued feedback.

Trados Product Management 

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