Trados Team - Summer Release Overview

Trados Team - Summer Release Overview

We are excited to announce the latest updates for Trados Team, bringing new features and improvements to enhance your experience. These updates, automatically added to your account, are designed to boost collaboration and efficiency.

April 2024 Updates

1. Associated Resources per Customer

  • A dynamic overview of resources per Customer provides a visual representation of all resources and their relationships.
  • Users can browse, drag, zoom, and open resources in new tabs for detailed views.

2. Global Filter at Tenant/Account Level

  • A global filter helps focus on specific Customers across multiple views.
  • The filter icon shows active filters, and these are retained as users navigate the UI.
  • Note: The global filter does not apply to the following: 

    • Dashboard 
    • Inbox 
    • Customers 

3. UX Improvements in Resources View

  • Consolidation of Translation Engines, Translation Memories, Termbases, and NMT models into a Linguistic Resources sub-menu.

  • Introduction of Location trees in Translation Memory, File Type Configuration, and Language Processing rules filter views.

4. Custom Field Enhancements

  • Custom fields can now be included as columns in the Project list.

  • Custom fields are exposed in the Inbox for tasks, allowing easy access to linked resources like style guides.

5. Sample Project Tours for New Users

  • A tour for new users with Create Project permission, including an option to create a sample project to familiarize themselves with the product.

6. Export All Language Pairs in Translation Memory

  • When exporting multilingual Translation Memories, multiple languages can be exported in parallel.

7. Customer Portal Updates

  • Customizable Dashboard page with options to add, delete, resize, or move tiles.
  • TM Search results adopt a consistent color scheme throughout the experience with Trados, with 100% matches in green.

8. API Updates

9. Additional Changes

  • When adding another language or Translation Memory to the Translation Engine, the Update checkbox will now be set to active/inactive, depending on what was previously set. If you have at least one active, the new one is added as active, otherwise as inactive.
  • Additionally, the main checkbox for a TM with both active/inactive settings, will now show as partially checked.
  • Reordering of Machine Translation providers in the Translation Engines is now possible.
  • Enhanced Custom Human Task visibility and UX improvements.
  • The ability to export/import Tag Verifier, Term Verifier, and Custom Verification settings.
  • Various bug fixes and UX enhancements. 

May 2024 Updates

1. Adobe InDesign Preview

  • A new app enabling Trados Online Editor users to see an in-context preview of IDML files.

2. Simplified Editing Mode for SMEs

  • A new Editor Mode for Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in the Online Editor, simplifying the UI for occasional users.
  • With the advent of the AI empowered Subject Matter Expert, we have worked on a simplified Online Editor experience for the more occasional users.  
    To ensure simplicity and efficiency of the Editor for SMEs, some UI elements and functionality have been removed for this Editor Mode. Further details can be found in the Documentation
  • This Mode is available for the Translation, Linguistic Review and Implement Customer Review task types. 

3. Copilot for Customer Portal

  • Trados Copilot AI Assistant now available in the Customer Portal for a simpler interaction with product documentation.

4. Custom Dashboard Content

  • Ability to display custom content in the Dashboard, supporting rich text, images, and external links.
  • Users can define Dashboard custom content by going to your Avatar -> Manage Account -> Custom Dashboard Content view.

  • You can create new content by clicking on Add Widget. From here, you can specify the size, position and content to be included. Additionally, you can specify if the custom content should be visible in Trados, Customer Portal or both. 

  • Once configured, users will see the content in the Dashboard when logging in: 

    As part of this release, we have introduced a new permission User Interface -> View Custom Content. 
    The new permission will be allocated automatically to any existing default or custom roles that have the User Interface > View Dashboard permission.  

    By introducing a new permission, this allows administrators to expose custom content to users/roles that don’t have access to the regular Dashboard, such as linguists. A user can therefore have access to a Dashboard showing only custom content, when this has been configured, without them having access to the regular Dashboard.

5. Custom Help Menu Links

  • Define custom links in the Help menu for documentation or ticketing systems. Available through the Avatar -> Manage Account -> Custom Menu Items view.
  • Once defined, these links show up in the help menu in the User interface.

6. Copy Verification Settings from Project Template

  • Option to copy and paste Verification settings across Project Templates.

7. Support for Time Zones per User

  • Users can specify their time zone in settings, affecting email notifications and UI time displays.

8. API Updates

  • You can configure the number of days after which projects are given the Completed or Archived status automatically using the completionConfiguration option under the following endpoints: Create and Update Project, Create and Update Project Template. 
  • The field languageProcessingRuleId under Update Translation Engine endpoint will become mandatory. The enforcement is scheduled at a minimum of six months from now. 
  • As a reminder, we want to let our users know that we updated the folder/resource locations to the new format, which now includes the path. The old fields are marked as deprecated and will be decommissioned soon. Please ensure you update the implementation if you are using fields that are marked as deprecated. 
  • Various bug fixes.

For more details, please refer to the What's New page.

9. Additional Changes

  • The ability to auto-complete tasks has been extended to all human tasks. This setting is disabled by default except for the Customer Review task, where we have defined a default of 90 days, which can be modified if necessary

  • Filtered Terminology exports are now available from the termbase list. 

  • We now indicate visibility as a column in the Customer list, so you can see which Customers are set to private. 

  • Custom Fields are now displayed in the side pane from the Files for Review page in the Customer Portal, thereby providing Custom Reviewers with visibility of Custom Fields where relevant.

  • We have added a new feature under the Account Management area, which allows Administrators to display usernames as they are entered during user creation, rather than retrieving usernames from the RWS ID system.
    Note: this setting applies for the entire account.

  • Various bug fixes and UX enhancements. 

July 2024 Updates

1. PerfectMatch

With this release, we are launching PerfectMatch functionality in the Trados Cloud.  

A PerfectMatch is a form of context match that compares updated source files to a corresponding set of existing bilingual files rather than to a translation memory (TM). Segment matches, known as PerfectMatches, are checked for context, that is, the surrounding entries are checked to ensure that they are the same. 

If your existing bilingual file was segmented differently to the current file or had merged segments, PerfectMatch can dynamically merge up to three consecutive segments in your current file to improve your match results. The translations are then extracted from the existing bilingual files and transferred to the updated source files. 

With the PerfectMatch segment matching process including a check for context and segmentation, the resulting translations typically need no further translation or editing during translation. 

Why use PerfectMatch? 

There are several scenarios where you might want to apply PerfectMatch: 

  • At the start of a project, you can base a new project on an existing project that has been fully reviewed. This will use the translated bilingual files from the previous project for PerfectMatch. 
    • For example, this could be useful if you are starting translation on a technical manual for a second version of a product where the product is almost the same as the first version.
  • If you are part of the way through translating a project and you receive a new set of source files that have been slightly modified, you can use PerfectMatch to easily apply the work you have already translated to the new set of documents. 

In Trados you can now include PerfectMatch as part of your Workflows, as per the screenshot. For existing Workflows, you will be prompted to reload them, so you can adopt the functionality in your own time. 

If your Workflow contains PerfectMatch, when you create a project, you will see a new PerfectMatch view, offering the ability to refer to previous projects or upload previous bilingual SDLXLIFF files, including ZIP files. 

This screen offers comprehensive filtering options to narrow down which projects will match, including the ability to only see Projects that were using the same Project Template. 

For helping with identification of the correct files, we do a file name matching based on Levenshtein distance. 

Additionally, in Project Settings, you will find additional Settings such as defining if PerfectMatched segments should be locked, left unchanged, or indicated as PerfectMatch but not locked. 

Note: Usage of PerfectMatch for Customer Portal and Connector initiated projects will follow in a future release.

2. AI Features

  • Trados Copilot - Smart Review uses AI to evaluate the quality of translations in your documents while you are working in Trados Studio or the Online Editor. This means you can focus on those segments that need attention based on the evaluation score it provides. 

    To perform the evaluation, Smart Review uses an Azure OpenAI LLM which is prompted with information on other approved segments and approved terminology. For those customers that already have the Smart Review feature enabled, you can now configure your implementation yourself from within your tenant by providing the details of your subscription. For those customers who don’t currently have this enabled, please contact RWS to discuss how you can purchase subscription packages such as AI Essentials that will give you access to this feature and other AI-enabled features. To configure Smart Review, go to the Integrations menu in your account and you’ll see a new tab: 

    You can add a new provider or configure an existing one and provide the relevant detail: 

  • Machine Translation Quality Estimation (MTQE) results visible in the Online Editor and Trados Studio 2024.

    For those customers who are using Language Weaver for machine translation with a language pair that supports Machine Translation Quality Estimation (MTQE), the quality estimation results are now visible in both the Online Editor and Trados Studio 2024. The results are color-coded to allow you to quickly identify which segments are good (green), which ones are adequate (amber), and which ones are poor (red). When you open the file for editing, you will see the color code as part of the segment status. 

    Additionally, you can automatically lock MTQE segments based on the color in Project Settings. 

    If you don’t have MTQE as part of your existing MT solution, please contact RWS to discuss how you can switch your machine translation provider to Language Weaver. 

  • Generative Translation harnesses the power of Large Language Models (LLMs) to give you an AI-powered translation which improves over time. Our traditional approach to translation has been to maximize the technology and assets at our disposal, namely translation memory, terminology, and neural machine translation. With the increasing availability of AI, we are launching a new translation capability which uses an LLM to provide translations. The secret to using the LLM is to provide it with more information which will help guide it to the correct result. We can use previously translated segments from the translation memory and applicable terminology to ensure that the generated translation uses the correct style and tone. You can also guide the engine with custom instructions such as audience, gender bias, length restrictions etc. by using metadata from the translation project. 

    For those customers who don’t currently have this enabled, please contact RWS to discuss how you can purchase subscription packages such as AI Essentials that will give you access to this feature and other AI-enabled features. 

3. Trados Studio 2024 Cloud Improvements

The long-awaited Trados Studio 2024 release has arrived and brings great improvements when working with Trados Enterprise. 

The highlights include support for Trados Copilot – Smart Review, as well as support for Machine Translation Quality Estimation (MTQE). 

Leverage cloud-based resources in batch tasks

If you have a Trados Team, Trados Accelerate, or Trados Enterprise subscription, you can now leverage your cloud-based resources when running the Analyze Files or Pre-Translate Files batch tasks in Trados Studio for local projects. This enhancement means that any cloud engines specified in the project settings will be fully used in the batch flow for both local and cloud projects (after downloading all files locally) in Trados Studio. Your reports will accurately reflect the cloud resources leveraged, which means all sophisticated features of the Analyze Files batch task are supported. You can now receive metrics on internal fuzzy leverage, find and export unknown and frequent segments, just like for other project types, such as local or GroupShare projects.  

QA Checker settings for offline cloud packages

Trados Studio now ensures consistent QA Checker settings for offline cloud packages created from cloud projects. This enhancement is available in both the 2024 and 2022 versions of Studio, providing a seamless quality assurance experience across different project types, workflows and Studio versions. 

Support for Cloud projects in Manager view

Trados Studio 2024 marks the official launch of the Manager view, which was previously available in its beta phase in Trados Studio 2022. As part of the Manager view's full release, we have seamlessly integrated it into Trados Studio, and removed the toggle for enabling it. You can now open the Manager view from the left sidebar, just like any other view. The newly added support for cloud projects rounds out the package of all your most useful project management tools into a single optimized view. You can now perform all of your important actions such as downloading cloud projects, opening projects, working on them, viewing statistics and more, all from the Manager view. 

Faster and more accurate progress reporting  

We've adjusted the way Trados Studio handles reports and statistics in order to ensure more precise and real-time progress reporting of the accuracy of your translations.

More details can be found here: 

4. Terminology Comments

We have introduced Comments in Terminology entries in this release. This great new feature enables users to collaborate more easily in Termbase entries. 

Notifications will be shown in the User Interface, and by e-mail notification. With the current release, notifications will only be sent to users added to the default Terminologists group in Root. In future we will enable user mentions, to be able to more specifically target users. 

Additionally, there are new permissions for this functionality, such as the permission to Add, edit and delete comments. 

5. Notifications Display Preference

Trados users now have greater flexibility to decide where notifications are positioned within the interface.  

By default, notifications appear in the top right of the interface, but through the introduction of a new user setting, it is now possible for notifications to appear in other parts of the interface (top right, top left, bottom right and bottom left), according to an individual's preference.  
This can be helpful, for instance, where the notification placement can obscure visibility of some buttons. 
This can be configured from Avatar -> User Settings -> Appearance

6. Extensibility Updates

  • June 2024 

    • With this release, we have migrated from the Add-Ons concept to Apps. This significant first step sets the stage for expanding this concept to multiple areas that facilitate integrations. 
    • Registered Add-Ons are backward compatible with the new Apps and can be used as is. 
    • A major improvement is that an App can now declare the list of webhooks it needs in the descriptor and listen for webhook notifications. 
    • The migration guide from an Add-On to an App is available here. 

7. API Updates

  • Our Public API continues to evolve with some customer-requested features. We have just released the following updates: 

    • We updated the folder/resource locations to the new format, which now includes the path. 
    • Various bug fixes. 

    For more details, please refer to the What's New page. 

8. Additional Changes

  • As previously announced, we will start enforcing Translation Memory size limits of 2 million translation units per language direction soon.
  • Improved accessibility for visually impaired users in Terminology and Download Project Files areas.
  • System Status fields in Terminology in Online Editor are now displayed clearly with colors, so it’s easier to identify Approved vs. Forbidden terms.
  • Introduced Overdue, Due Today and Due Tomorrow quick filters in Task Inbox, Project List and Project Stages views.
  • Menu items with multiple sub-menus in Navigation bars will now display which sub-menu is active.
  • Resolved an issue where text strings were not removed in language fields when typing language codes or language names and confirming.
  • The maximum length verification QA check has been extended to 2000 characters.
  • Introduced support for Russian (Israel) with the language code ru-IL.
  • Added support for fields in TMX files coming from MemoQ and Deja-Vu to be imported into Trados TMs.
  • Various bug fixes and UX enhancements 


We hope you find these updates beneficial. We look forward to continuing to provide you with improvements and new features to enhance your experience with our Trados platform.

Trados Product Management