license deactivation and reactivation - current license seems not to be in use (but is should be)


My old laptop is inaccessible due to serious hardware problems. I need to deactivate my license and activate it on my new computer. The problem is that the license page under my account shows my old 2007 license as still in use, while my current 2019 license seems not to be in use. I am not sure this is fine.

Another issue is that the last few times I have used Trados, my Translation Memory was empty. Translation Memory does not work, or rather is empty. What I find in my TMs are just the first – say – five/six segments I have translated, all the rest is blank. The program saves the files correctly, clients get their translated work and I can do my reviews in Word (with the function “Export for external review”). “Only” the translation memories are empty. I will get a very big project to divide with other colleagues in about ten days and I really need Trados to work well. Can you help me? Do you think this problem is due to the activation/deactivation of the license or to some other mistake on my side?

Thank you in advance for your support!

Best regards,

Alessandra Cicala
