Cannot install Ai Professional plugin

I am not a technical person and can barely find anything I download.

I would like to add Chat GPT to Trados. So I found the AI Professional plug in. It is downloaded and magically on my desktop. Just when I double click I get this: Error message stating 'There is no application set to open the document AI Professional.sdlplugin'. Options to search App Store, choose an application, or cancel are displayed.

So I stupidly chose Choose Application and took the first Microsoft thing I saw. Outlook. Now I am stuck with Outlook as default until I die, I think.

How do I get around this and add the plug in to Trados?

Please explain in a very simple way. Ask Chat: how do I explain this to a tired single parent who really doesn't care how things work as long as they work?  Ha ha.

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[edited by: Trados AI at 12:02 PM (GMT 1) on 4 Apr 2024]