Introduction With the launch of 2011 we were all very excited with all the extension points the new GUI provides out of the box, but we were also a bit lost on how to use those extension points. In this post I will explain how to implement a Data Extender...
Introduction This post is meant to help you guys when dealing with a CWA Views implementation. I will use Eclipse (Helios) as the IDE for this "Tutorial" and I will try to cover the following topics: Configuring Eclipse to edit your DWT Views Configuring...
Even though the biggest boom of must having everything mobile seems to have gone already there a lot of companies that want to build a new mobile web site. Sometimes you might even encounter a company or two that want a mobile website or an app just for...
404 pages are the best way to lower search engine rankings and scare visitors away from your site. In many cases the content is still available on the site only the location changed. Tridion eliminat...
404 pages are the best way to lower search engine rankings and scare visitors away from your site. In many cases the content is still available on the site only the location changed. Tridion eliminates the number of broken links within your website if...
So, I finally gave up my fight against the masses and decided to create my first blog ever (I'm still fighting though, e.g. I don't have a Twitter account...but I'm quite tempted to get one). I also wonder if I should curse or thank my colleagues for...