Tridion developer articles and tutorials

  • Iterating regions: "Extract Components from Regions" TBB


    Sites 9 comes with one extra default template building block: Extract Components from Regions. If you upgraded your system from previous versions, re-generate default templates by running the Tools->Create Default Building Blocks command in Template Builder.

    The new Building Block examines the Page…

  • Iterating regions in .NET templates (TOM.NET)


    SDL Tridion Sites 9 has introduced concept of predefined page regions. You can find detailed explanation on how to define region schemas and use them on the page in this webinar recording.

    In this blog I would like to cover in more details how to work with regions in page templates and how to start using…

  • How to Connect to ALIBABA OSS Bucket and Download the items


    In one of the recent project we are setting up China Website in ALI Cloud where we need to use ALI OSS Bucket, from there we need to download the items from OSS Bucket.


    It's very simple and easy if you are aware of connecting to AWS S3 Connection, but no worries you need to add the …

  • AWS-S3 (Storage Extension – Deployment Process) on CD Server


    May be Most of them are aware of about the Storage Extensions and it's purpose but recently in one of the Migration project i have got chance to write extensions to store all the Binaries, .xml,.aspx files and some of the DCP to store those files into AWS S3 Bucket using the Storage Extensions...…

  • How to Fetch ChildKeywords from ParentKeyword


    In General we have might come across getting all Keywords from a taxonomy using the broker Query but in one of the recent project there is a situation that need to get the list of Child Keywords from the Parent Keyword doing doing the Search Query.

    Tried Several but couldn't get but finally succeeded…

  • Using DetectChanges API in the event handler


    Recently I've been reviewing the code of the event system extension that prevented some users from changing value of the metadata field.

    private static void OnComponentSave(Component component, SaveEventArgs args, EventPhases phases)
        var session = component.Session;

        var privilegedGroupName = Configuration…
  • CoreService PowerShell Script To Add/Remove Item To/From Bundle


    This is the continuation of my previous blog. So the very next thing that I am going to share is how to add and remove items to/from Bundle.

    In the same way I will share both the PowerShell as well as C# module of the script.

    Let’s start with the PowerShell Version first –

    So before I start…

  • CoreService PowerShell Script To Create Bundle/Bundles


    As I decided to embark on my PowerShell scripting journey and strolling through some new ideas, I chanced upon this requirement where I need to create few bundles and do some basic operation on that.

    The plan was to create the script extensively so that everybody can use it. I have started with some…

  • Categories and Keywords on steroids


    Instead of maintaining many categories each with a limited set of keywords, the customer wanted to be able to use one category, containing a hierarchy of subcategories, each in turn containing the appropriate keywords.

    In the Schema definition, for each field, that uses a category, it should…