New translate option

A few days ago SDL introduced a new "translate" option, which is displayed below each blog post:

Screenshot showing the new 'translate' option below a blog post with a dropdown menu set to 'Albanian' and a 'Show Translation' button.

I generally think this is a great idea, especially for a translation tool forum, where we cannot - and should not - assume that everybody speaks English fluently.

A few observations:

  1. Load times for pages have increased to the point of being a real nuisance.
  2. The translation option is more prominent than the blog content.
  3. Although I greatly value the option to translate contributions into the Albanian language, I wonder if we could have a list of "most frequently used" languages on top of the list, which would probably include Japanese, French and Spanish, then followed by an alphabetic list? Maybe it could even be set in the user's settings which language s/he wants as a default?

Thank you,


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[edited by: Trados AI at 3:45 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
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