Forum problems

1. I've specified daily digest twice but continue to receive notifications for each post. 

2. I cannot post with IE11. I can type a subject but cannot activate the Description field.

Parents Reply
  • I just had a look in the system. You had disabled most global notifications. If you go to your Settings page (upper right hand corner, mouseover your avatar) you can see that your global notification settings are disabled. I am going to write a wiki page on this immediately because this is confusing to our members. I've already ordered to fix this by our engineers. This is not a good customer journey.

    Step 1: Go to Setting under your Avatar
    Step 2: Select Notifications Tab
    Step 3: On the left hand side Select to Enable the Service
    Step 4: On the right hand side Select either Email notification or Live (the notification icon in your screen with the red number) or both.
    Step 5: Scroll down to the available forum and select the specific forums you want to follow. The reason for that is that we had to disable default ON setting because a lot of people were getting notifications from forums while they didn't post anything themselves.

    The root cause is that the platform vendor has given us soooo many options that we are now faced with some complexity we did not expect. Hope this also helps the others.