I do not receive any e-mai notification of rws community activities (e.g. replies to my posts) despite my correct settings of notification.
Please, help.

I do not receive any e-mai notification of rws community activities (e.g. replies to my posts) despite my correct settings of notification.
Please, help.
Hi Sandor,
I asked one of our tech guys to look into this. What I need to know in order for us to continue this investigation is did you, by any chance, at any time, block the email notifications in your email provider by marking it as spam or something like that?
Even if just by mistake.
Can you also please check your spam folder to see if any of the messages might've gotten there?
Thank you.
Hi Sandor,
We looked more into your account and from what we noticed, you didn't have the Enable email contact option selected.
Please make sure to check the box to be able to receive emails from us.
Likewise, please check the Email Digest tab to make sure that you have properly selected the groups and the frequency at which you want to receive these emails.
Thank you.
Hi Georgiana,
Thank you for your help. I've made the proper settings.
Kind regards