Unexpected exception when initializing task 'Analyse':

 Hey guys,


Iam working on a a project that is including Trados 2017 and its API.

ProjectFile[] files = this.sdlProject.GetTargetLanguageFiles();
AutomaticTask anaylzeTask = this.sdlProject.RunAutomaticTask(files.GetIds(), AutomaticTaskTemplateIds.AnalyzeFiles);


Iam able to create new FilebasesProjects and create the actual project but i can't run an analysis on the project files. Everytime i try to run the task, it says this:


"Unexpected exception when initializing task 'Analyse': Die Sprachressourcendatei kann nicht gefunden werden..\r\nStacktrace:\r\n   bei Sdl.ProjectApi.Implementation.TaskExecution.ContentProcessingTaskImplementation.InitializeTaskImplementations()\r\n   bei Sdl.ProjectApi.Implementation.TaskExecution.ContentProcessingTaskImplementation.Execute()\r\n   bei Sdl.ProjectApi.Implementation.AutomaticTaskExecuter.Execute()"


Any idea what i forgot? It's all working fine except analysis.