GroupShare 2017 ChangeAssignment API throws BadGatway error


I'm attempting to change the translator for about 300 files in the same project and language. The ChangeAssignment call returns with a BadGateway error, but I can see in Studio that the changes were actually applied. I assume that this is some kind of timeout, but where (IIS)? Can this be increased?

The call works perfectly with a smaller set of file, e.g. 10.

I've tried 2 different client approaches, GroupShareKit and RestSharp. Both produce the same results.


Splitting the assignment into multiple calls does workaround the problem. I cannot use this approach though, as the translator will receive multiple emails.


Any ideas (other than improving the hardware)?




Parents Reply
  • There are no errors in the GroupShare logs. These were captured from this mornings IIS logs (with some obfuscation).

    2017-09-11 08:07:51 13.x.x.x POST /projectserver/api/1.0/projects/38c384c3-3e17-4d97-ab28-14ec010b0d77/changeassignment X-ARR-CACHE-HIT=0&SERVER-ROUTED=MYSERVER.NET&X-ARR-LOG-ID=c8191a45-5891-4ba8-a9ff-b61a79c44c14 80 - 13.x.x.x RestSharp/ - 502 3 12002 31422

    2017-09-11 08:08:23 13.x.x.x POST /projectserver/api/1.0/projects/38c384c3-3e17-4d97-ab28-14ec010b0d77/changephase X-ARR-CACHE-HIT=0&SERVER-ROUTED=MYSERVER.NET&X-ARR-LOG-ID=c33db42f-317a-4e97-a2d2-c3b080f36942 80 - 13.x.x.x RestSharp/ - 502 3 12002 31828

    This is the result of using the GroupShare dashboard to change assignment for the same project (1 file):
    2017-09-11 08:10:40 13.x.x.x POST /api/projectserver/v2/projects/38c384c3-3e17-4d97-ab28-14ec010b0d77/changeassignment/ X-ARR-CACHE-HIT=0&SERVER-ROUTED=MYSERVER.NET&X-ARR-LOG-ID=6957c20c-ceb7-4b8f-972f-ebdfa0c4a1a6&SERVER-STATUS=201 80 - Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+Trident/7.0;+rv:11.0)+like+Gecko 201 0 0 6765