Hello developers
The below chunk of code runs well with most recent version of GS if used with Studio 2017 pre-SR1. After updating to Studio 2017 SR1 (14.1.6413.8) the TM-Server doesn't respond anymore.
I am stuck here. What has changed?
For Each sTM As ServerBasedTranslationMemory In tmServer.GetTranslationMemories(TranslationMemoryProperties.All)
If sTM.Name = tmName Then
Dim credential As String = String.Format("user={0};password={1};type=CustomUser", GroupShare_user, GroupShare_pw)
newProject.Credentials.AddCredential(New Uri("sdltm." & GroupShare_server), credential)
Save(newProject, System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod.Name)
servertm = sTM : Exit For
End If
Thank you for your help
Victor Linnemann