Unable to publish FileBasedProject with windows username+password authentication


I'm happy to see that I can already authenticate with windows username+password when creating a new instance of TranslationProviderServer(). I can read TMs, add them to the project etc. (Here I specify: useWindowsAuthentication=false)

However, it seems, that using the same credentials, I cannot publish the project to a GS 2017 server like:

var result = project.PublishProject(new Uri(server), useWindowsAuthentication = false, windowsUserName, windowsPassword, targetOrganization, (sender, args) => { });

I keep getting an "Authentication failed" error. If I use a non-windows SDL account, then it works. But not with a windows account.

(using useWindowsAuthentication=true I get "value cannot be null")

Can you please help? Is this supported at all? I remember that in the old times, TranslationProviderServer didn't work with explicit windows credentials either. But it seems to work now. That's why I was hoping that publishing also works.

I have Studio 2017 SR1 14.1.10011.20356, and GS: 14.2.7902.0 - SR1.



Parents Reply
  • Im facing the same issue... Im trying to publish to a GroupShare server, with Windows credentials. Interestingly the SDK help files indicate (http://producthelp.sdl.com/SDK/ProjectAutomationApi/2017/html/b280b7ec-6f15-4671-bc36-b739795789f3.htm): 

    The following parameters are required in order

    • Uri of the server in the form "protocol://address:portnumber". The protocol will he either "http" or "https", the address will be the location of the server, and the port number will be the port you set project server up on (default: 80). For example http://projectserver.mycompany.com:80
    • a boolean flag to indicate if you wish lo login with windows security
    • The user name you wish to log in as. (leave blank for windows authentication)
    • The password of the user. (leave blank for windows authentication)
    • The location on the server to which the project should be published.
    • A delegate function is needed should you require progress information or cancelation support. Enter null if these are not required

    I find it bizarre that I dont need to enter credentials in this case. In any case, when I do put credentials, I keep getting a "UserName" field is empty response. 

    Also, when I publish manually via the SDL interface, the Server properties allow me to specify to authenticate with a different (Windows) user. What would be the API equivalent of that option? 

    Have there been fixes to the API in this case? Im currently using SDL 2017... Is this fixed with 2019? 
