Translation Memory - adding new unit to Translation Memory, required roles


I have an account on SDL test enviroment. I got one Admin account created. My problem is I do not have authorization to use API (for example adding units to Translation Memory), on other user that created by You. Users created by me have same roles, organization etc. When I am using APIs I got 403 response.

  • Hello Adam,

    I cannot find any method to add new Translation Unit. As below, only look up, list up TM sequence and etc..
    My understanding is that we create job then, once reach to "Update TM" step, then new Translation Unit is created if not exist.
    That is only option. If we uses ManTra API, we can create job by API as well. Is that could be option, if you need to create Translation Unit by API?

    POST v1/tmsequence/{id}/matches Posts a translation memory lookup data and returns the list of matches.
    POST tmsequence/{id}/matches Posts a translation memory lookup data and returns the list of matches.
    POST v1/tmsequences/{id}/matches Posts a translation memory lookup data and returns the list of matches.
    POST v2/tmsequences/{id}/matches Posts a translation memory lookup data and returns the list of matches.
    POST tmsequences/{id}/matches Posts a translation memory lookup data and returns the list of matches.
    GET v1/tmsequence Gets the list of translation memory sequences.
    GET tmsequence Gets the list of translation memory sequences.
    GET v1/tmsequences Gets the list of translation memory sequences.
    GET v2/tmsequences Gets the list of translation memory sequences.
    GET tmsequences Gets the list of translation memory sequences.
    GET v2/tmsequences/{tmsequenceId}/largesttmlanguage Gets the largest of the translation memory languages within a translation memory sequence.
    GET tmsequences/{tmsequenceId}/largesttmlanguage
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