Is there a way to check if the project already contains TM?

After creating a project, we would normally add TM, but if the project template already have TM associated, then following error occurs:  

Inner Exception: System.ArgumentException: The combination of Uri and State properties for the main translation providers should be unique within the list of entries.

So, before adding TM, is there a way to check if the project already contains associated TM?

Thank you!

Parents Reply
  • Hi, Rieko,

    We had exactly the same problem with a custom application. The "Analyze" task works fine from Studio but it showed that error when trying to run the ask from the API.

    In our case the solution was to copy a config file with the same name as the EXE to the Studio3 folder (where the exe file of our custom app was running).

    This config file has this content:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>


    <startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">

    <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0"/>



    With this config file in place, we don't get the error. I understand that this config file is created automatically with VisualStudio when you compile your project and it has to have the same name as the executable file with the .config extension.

    I hope this helps!

