Deleting background tasks on Groupshare

Dear all,

I am and will in the coming days run a lot of imports on my Groupshare TMs and the number of background tasks has been growing quite a lot. I would like to do some cleanup there to ensure that I can quickly access the most recent tasks, if and when necessary.

I have discovered that the TranslationProviderServer object has a method called "DeleteBackgroundTaks", taking as argument a collection of task identities. My question is the following: how can I retrieve a list of tasks for my GroupShare server or for a specific TM?

I have noticed that the SeverBasedTranslationMemory object has a property called "CurrentImportOperations". When I access the count property of the CurrentImportOperations, it returns 0, although I have plenty of import operations which ran in the last weeks.

Has anyone a trick on how to access this tasks to delete them quickly?

Thanks anyone for support.



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