Query the list of available organizations


is there any way to query the list of organizations available on a GroupShare server via the Studio API?

I know that this can be done through the REST API, but some features are available only in the Studio API, and it would be better not mixing the two.



  • I believe you can use ProjectServer.GetServerProjects to get something close to that:

    The key is to pass "/" to start at the root:

    ProjectServer server = new ProjectServer(address, false, "MYUSERNAME", "MYPASSWORD");

    var projects = server.GetServerProjects("/", true, true);

    string[] organizations = projects.Select(proj => proj.OrganizationPath).Distinct().ToArray();

    However, the above is not perfect though, you may have an organization that contains no projects. This is why it would be better to use the REST API.