Is there a GroupShare SDK available for third-party developers?

Some customers suggest that we try to integrate Xbench with GroupShare.

Where could we find information on the GroupShare APIs available? Is there a GroupShare SDK for third-party developers?

  • Why would you do that? What's the usecase you are trying to fulfil?

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Customer requests/pains seem to revolve about being able to fetch project files and TMs automatically so that it is less tedious for them than to check out everything manually. In the Xbench plugin for Studio, for server projects we decided to focus on what has been already checked out to the local machine by the user but it seems that some server users expect a little bit more automation also with what was not checked out so we are exploring what the options are.

    It's difficult to tell without seeing it what kind of Xbench integration would flow naturally from the GroupShare API and how it relates to the Studio API, but perhaps a good eference example for an Xbench integration with a cloud/server based CAT environment is our Xbench Connector for Memsource (video here:

    When we started working on the Xbench Connector for Memsource our reference implementation for the use case was the Xbench plugin for Studio. Later, after examining and playing with it the Memsource API, we decided that the assets to consider in a QA sessions were the project files and optionally the termbases, which is what we finally shipped as beta. We're quite happy with the outcome as, to a large extent, everything is so quick that you do not have the sense that you are fetching stuff from the cloud.

    I suppose that for GroupShare we would carry out with a similar decision process taking both the plugin for Studio and the connector for Memsource as implementation references and, after looking at what information is available in the GroupShare API and how cheap or expensive in terms of performance are its calls, we would try to come up with something suitable as an integration.
  • Customer requests/pains seem to revolve about being able to fetch project files and TMs automatically so that it is less tedious for them than to check out everything manually. In the Xbench plugin for Studio, for server projects we decided to focus on what has been already checked out to the local machine by the user but it seems that some server users expect a little bit more automation also with what was not checked out so we are exploring what the options are.

    It's difficult to tell without seeing it what kind of Xbench integration would flow naturally from the GroupShare API and how it relates to the Studio API, but perhaps a good eference example for an Xbench integration with a cloud/server based CAT environment is our Xbench Connector for Memsource (video here:

    When we started working on the Xbench Connector for Memsource our reference implementation for the use case was the Xbench plugin for Studio. Later, after examining and playing with it the Memsource API, we decided that the assets to consider in a QA sessions were the project files and optionally the termbases, which is what we finally shipped as beta. We're quite happy with the outcome as, to a large extent, everything is so quick that you do not have the sense that you are fetching stuff from the cloud.

    I suppose that for GroupShare we would carry out with a similar decision process taking both the plugin for Studio and the connector for Memsource as implementation references and, after looking at what information is available in the GroupShare API and how cheap or expensive in terms of performance are its calls, we would try to come up with something suitable as an integration.