Added file is not checked in

We are upgrading Studio 2017 to 2022  and GS 2017 to 2020 automated with our own plugin.

We open an existing project from GroupShare and add new files to project.

_tradosProject.AddFiles(files, folderPathinProject);

Then we check in all files

_tradosProject.CheckinFiles(new Guid[] { file.Id }, "new project run " + DateTime.Now.ToString(), StatusEventHandler);

while in Trados 2017/GS 2017 all files where checkin to GS and are available there, this doesn't seem to work in Trados 2022 and GS 2020, at least not the same way.

Opening the project with added files, all new files are displayed with a "+" icon and when I select checkin by hand local files are checked to GroupShare.

Any ideas on how this can be fixed?



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