Groupshare API - deleting TUs - fields filtering

I'm using Groupshare developer's API.

There is the delete endpoint: /api/tmservice/tms/:tmId/tus/:source/:target 

I can call it and delete TUs based on the date with the body:

    "callbackUrl": deleteTusCallback

I was wondering if it's possible to delete TUs based on the custom fields.

Example of a TU:

<tu creationdate="20210521T130751Z" creationid="baschji" changedate="20210521T130751Z" changeid="baschji" lastusagedate="20210521T130751Z">
    <prop type="x-LastUsedBy">baschji</prop>
    <prop type="x-Origin">TM</prop>
    <prop type="x-OriginalFormat">TradosTranslatorsWorkbench</prop>
    <prop type="x-ConfirmationLevel">ApprovedSignOff</prop>
    <prop type="x-Doc. No.:MultipleString">LegislFinancialStatementVer4</prop>
    <prop type="x-Translator:MultipleString">normati</prop>
    <prop type="x-Stored by:MultipleString">baschji</prop>
    <prop type="x-TM Database:MultipleString">NormativeMem</prop>
    <prop type="x-Req. Serv.:MultiplePicklist">SG</prop>
    <prop type="x-Year:MultiplePicklist">2021</prop>
    <tuv xml:lang="en-GB">
        <seg>(Total commitments = Total payments)</seg>
    <tuv xml:lang="cs-CZ">
        <seg>(Závazky celkem = platby celkem)</seg>
How can I delete a TU by filtering through one of the fields/props? 
For example, I wanted to delete the TUs  that have the prop "x-Req. Serv.:MultiplePicklist" equals to "SG" like in the TU.


Format code
[edited by: Antonio Craveiro at 10:46 AM (GMT 1) on 14 Jul 2023]