Problem with ParentResourceGroupPath when using linked resources.


I have following setup:

 - Trados 2014 and Groupshare 2014

 - there is a TM in some organization, placed in specific container.

 - there is also a user without access to this organization, TM and container

 - there is another organization user has access to, and above TM is linked to this organization

 - user tries to create a project in organization he has access to, using SDK; first Groupshare is queried for given TM, and it looks like in some cases ParentResourceGroupPath of this linked TM is empty. That blocks us from creating TranslationProvider, since we provide organization and name, instead of GUID.

Did you encounter following problem ? What could go wrong here ?

Problem is fully replicable on one of our client's installations, however we were unable to reproduce the problem on our end.