I am currently using the following end point in the API
- Method : GET
- Url: /api/languages-resource-service/templates
It’s working fine when we only have one template and the reply is huge as we have all the details of the template.
Currently we have only one template and the average respond time is around 3,5 second with a size of 4.67 MB
{ "items": [ { "languageResourceTemplateId": "XXXX", "name": "XXXX", "description": "", "isTmSpecific": false, "recognizers": "RecognizeDates, RecognizeTimes, RecognizeNumbers, RecognizeVariables, RecognizeAlphaNumeric", "tokenizerFlags": "DefaultFlags", "wordCountFlags": "DefaultFlags", "languageResource" : ["214294 lines !"], "languages": ["822 lines"], "permissions": [], "location": "/Public/Resources", "ownerId": "6fbce8d2-e55e-4b44-9e34-9c46e212a8b7" } ] }
As soon as we have two or more, the reply is crashing due to too much data ? And if not crashing it’s taking ages to receive the respond.
Sadly I was not able to find any documentation about via the Swagger UI. Is there any documentation about it ?
Also is there another method to only retrieve a few parameters : for instance the name, the id ? I don't need all the details of the languages templates, that will most likely speed up the respond time.
Thank you for the help !